[Wolves] Debian config tools

Aquarius aquarius-lists at kryogenix.org
Mon Mar 22 11:12:58 GMT 2004

Matthew Revell spoo'd forth:
>>>Does anyone know of any nice GUI, Debian config tools?
>> Um, what do you want to configure?
> Stuff.
> Debian.
> Linux.
> Y'know.
> Okay, more specifically, at the moment, it's my networking stuff. Next 
> week, it'll be something else.

Well, yeah. So, your question is equivalent to: which one tool will fix
problems with my car? And the answer is: there isn't one tool. You use
spanners for some things and feeler gauges for others. The appropriate
tool depends on the task. One thing you might find useful is to make
packages ask configuration questions in a pretty window. A fair few
Debian packages ask you questions when they install: these packages
probably ask those questions in a text window. You can change that by
running "dpkg-reconfigure debconf" and telling it to use the gnome
front end. You can then get other packages to ask you the installation
questions *again* using "dpkg-reconfigure packagename".


"He's a liar and a sneak and he has uncleanly habits"
	   -- Belgarath, DLoK

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