[Wolves] Debian config tools

Matthew Revell wolveslug at understated.co.uk
Mon Mar 22 11:29:43 GMT 2004

Aquarius wrote:

> Well, yeah. So, your question is equivalent to: which one tool will fix
> problems with my car?

Not really. I don't think the analogy stretches that far. My question is 
the equivalent of: I want something like Windows' Control Panel. (Gasp!) :-)

 > You can change that by
> running "dpkg-reconfigure debconf" and telling it to use the gnome
> front end.

Oh, I don't mind if it's Ncurses or gtk. I can handle text based stuff, 
so long as it drives the process, asking me questions, rather than 
making me edit a config file I know nothing about :)

Cheers for that, tho'.



Matthew Revell.

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