[Wolves] BBC Strike Again

Adam Sweet drinky76 at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 30 09:09:10 BST 2004

 --- David Goodwin <david at openminds.co.uk> wrote: >
Jon Farmer wrote:
> > http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/3578309.stm
> > 
> > Apparently this device uses Linux to save money!
> > 
> > 
> Err.. I thought this was one of Linux's "Selling
> Points" - by using it 
> you save money (lower development costs etc as the
> community has done a 
> lot of work already) and you gain an open platform
> you are free to make 
> changes to. Therefore, what's wrong with what the
> BBC said?

I see both points here, but it makes it sound like
Linux is a cheap technology in terms of, you still
have to pay but the quality is less. Which we know is
not true, it's free and the quality is great. The
casual reader will understand it as being cheap due to
lower quality as it is not explained even briefly that
Linux is free, why it's free or the advantages to the
wider world of it's capabilities. It's a shortcut
answer of a story.

> I might be tempted to buy one myself, if they ever
> actually see the 
> light of day.

I'd like to see the final featureset, I might think
about it myself if it gets near the Zaurus in terms of
features and community support.

> David.




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