[Wolves] BBC

Peter Cannon peter at cannon-linux.freeserve.co.uk
Tue Mar 30 09:43:05 BST 2004

Morning All

Read the article with a smile on my face:

This is a little bit pricey @ $205.00 for what you get When DELL will
sell you one of their AXIM units (Wireless model) for £178.00, and
before some smarmy pants looks at the exchange rate I already did it
$205.00 = £112.46.

Dell will be more than happy to give the things away if it means
muscling out competition from a new market.

Dell have an aggressive sales policy (I should point out we are an
authorised reseller) however they target by the amount of units out the
door, so if they go out the door at cost they are not bothered (at the
moment) this is because they are doing a Bill Gates once every man and
his dog has got a DELL on their desk they will have got you by the


Peter Cannon

peter at cannon-linux.freeserve.co.uk

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