[Wolves] Promoting Linux
Jono Bacon
jono at jonobacon.org
Sat Oct 2 18:06:54 BST 2004
Kevan wrote:
> --- Simon Burke <simon.burke at gmail.com> wrote:
>>There is still a linux server running on the staff
>>network, no-one
>>uses it though. also their pop3 server is
>>linux/unix. I often work
>>closely with them at the science park (as most of
>>the IT equip and
>>soft is from the uni). Yeah they seem to love using
>>windoze for most
>>things but at least they are not completly windows,
>>which is a good
>>thing really.
>> Also i've managed to get a few directors and a
>>couple of people at IT
>>services to take a proper look at it again All
>>currently have
>>morphix gnome discs curtesy of me.
>> Hopefully it the future we may see a slow take
>Good luck with Steve K then ;-)))) Max would probably
>be amenable as could Cecil. Frank Jones - Telford
>Campus and Learning Resources now anyway - is
>vehemently anti Linux. No real idea why though.
>Shame really as he is a decent guy apart from that :-)
Your not the Kevan who taught me Java at Wolves Uni are you?
Jono Bacon - http://www.jonobacon.org/
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