RM 480Z memories was Re: [Wolves] Re: Wolves Digest, Vol 54,
Issue 13. Linux Education etc.
Old Dan
dan at dannyboy.dnsalias.org
Mon Oct 4 10:31:57 BST 2004
sparkes wrote:
> Howard Berry wrote:
>> a Research Machines 480Z
> The first computer I used was in primary school in about 1980 (but it
> may of been 1981) a 380Z that was on loan to the school from somewhere
> else. They where big ugly pretty useless machines but I was hooked.
I was told once (probably in jest, but I'm not sure) that the 380Z was
originally designed to be used in tanks. Having seen one, I could well
believe it.
> When the 480Z came out in 1982 we where one of the first primary schools
> to have one and as a member of the computer club I used to program it
> in basic (I think it was MS Basic) That was pretty much the start of
> everything I do today. I would like to think everyone in that room kept
> the hacker feeling but I am pretty sure that out of the 4 or 5 of us at
> that first meeting I am the only one still playing with tech in the same
> way. I wonder if the schools that waited for the BBC had the same
> effect on children of my age or if it was the years after that got this
> exposure.
You were lucky having BASIC. I had logo.
> Of course that christmas I was the envy of all geeky school boys when my
> parents splashed out on a 48k spectrum. I had everything the RM
> machines (except a keyboard) in my own home and I can't say I haven't
> looked back because as a retro gamer I do a lot of looking back ;-) but
> those RM machines really kickstarted everything for me and I look back
> on the 480 with great fondness.
The 480Z had the best keyboard in the entire universe. Although TBH I
think it was the last good thing they ever did. Their PCs now are - er
- well, crap.
48k Speccy? Pfft, Commodore 64 was more my cup of tea. :)
Gotta love them hardware sprites, 3 channel sound & raster scan
graphics. :)
Is now off to play Sanxion....
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