[Wolves] Incorrect map drive sizes
Wayne morris
wayne at machx.co.uk
Mon Oct 4 11:24:44 BST 2004
----- Original Message -----
From: "Adam Sweet" <drinky76 at yahoo.com>
To: "Wolverhampton Linux User Group" <wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk>
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 11:10 AM
Subject: Re: [Wolves] Incorrect map drive sizes
> --- Wayne morris <wayne at machx.co.uk> wrote:
>> Worked out whats going on here : the 80gb drive is
>> actually mounted in the
>> /var/html/www/ directory - and /var is only a 250mb
>> partition with 7mb free,
>> so the winzoze box is seeing the size of /var rather
>> than the actual drive.
>> Anyway round this?
> Mount it somewhere else :)
It needs to be in /var/www/html as it is my webspace (as well as my mp3
The clever thing to do would be to change /var so that IS the entire 80gb
drive rather than part of the 10gb drive that
/ /boot etc are on - but that is a bit difficult for me to get my head
around doing despite being told how about 20 times.
> I mount my non-Linux Filesystem stuff on
> /mnt/whatever, I have a 60GB disk full of files (thats
> all I use for - personal file storage) I access from
> both Linux and Windows sitting on /mnt/files. As it
> doesn't have a purpose that sits comfortably in the
> Linux Filesystem Hierarchy, it lives on /mnt as I
> think thats what /mnt is for.
> Dunno whats going on there with your prob, dumb
> question I know, but are sure your files are getting
> put in /var/html/www and not perhaps /var/html? I know
> I'm clutching at straws...
> Ad
Files all go where they are supposed to, browsing the network drive works,
its just the file space reporting that doesn't and hence the
prob with Itunes thinking there isn't any space. Pretty sure its a Windoze
problem, there are some results on google for incorrect network drive
sizes -
but not very helpful.
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