Wolves Digest, Vol 51, Issue 2 [Wolves] List stats

sparkes sparkes at westmids.biz
Mon Sep 6 16:01:56 BST 2004

Peter Cannon wrote:

>On Monday 06 Sep 2004 13:45, The wise and knowledgeable 
>h.berry at blueyonder.co.uk proclaimed:
>>Please keep the stats in. It's one of the few things I understand (Well, I
>>get the general drift of it!) Howard
>Hi Howard
>Thanks for the support, I am more than happy to continue unfortunately it 
>depends on the others, as your the only one to ask for them I think the 
>general consensus is they're not wanted.
I can't see the stats being a problem to anyone on the list.  It's only 
one or two posts a month so the people who don't like them can suffer 
them ;-)

If all regular posters only posted something potentially contensus once 
an month we'd have nothing to read ;-)

>What bits don't you understand? 
>I'd like to see more simple problems that everyone can help with rather that 
>higher level stuff that only a select few can score brownie points with. 
>(still feeling tetchy).
The people on the list can only ask the questions that they need 
answering.  It's the same with any population what some sections of the 
community will be unable to help with (and in many cases understand) the 
problem the poster is facing.  It's the same with 'easy' questions, they 
are only easy if you know the answer, if you don't know the answer they 
are the same kind of black magic than the first question would be.  All 
questions (related to the topic and clearly marked off-topic) are valid 
within the community around this list.  I don't remember anyone ever 
being told off for asking a question. 

The list isn't about 'brownie points' as you well know ;-) but I 
understand how you feel at the moment.  <hippie mode="loved up">Peter 
you're loved man!</hippie> ;-)

>Just a bit of friendly advice, when you reply put your message under the 
>relevant section that you are replying too then delete all the rest that way 
>you wont get a flame of "trim your posts" :-)
lol, you learnt that one the hard way ;-)


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t:07005 968 999 f:07005 968 888

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