[Wolves] non wednesday meeting

Peter Cannon peter at cannon-linux.freeserve.co.uk
Mon Sep 20 14:59:06 BST 2004

On Monday 20 Sep 2004 14:00, The wise and knowledgeable Jono Bacon proclaimed:

> Hi,
> > Not too sure this is a good plan.  We asked who could come on tonight
> > and get responces from people who don't normally come.  Some of whom
> > might have had to make special arrangments and then we leave them in
> > the lurge with 24 hours notice.
> >
> > LUG apaphy striking into the hearts of people who are yet to be
> > infected with it ;-)
> >
> > what was the point of asking if the event wasn't going ahead?
> I am not stopping anyone meeting up. Go ahead if you want to. Would
> anyone who cannot normally come to wednesday meets like to confirm that
> they want to meet tonight?
>     Jono

Hi Jono

Its been ages since I started a ruck so now seems as good a time as any. From 
what I saw there was a high response to a Monday night meet although no end 
conclusion was announced/posted. 
(Bloody change the night we meet, rhubarb, rhubarb)

I got the feeling that die hard Wednesday nighters voted by their silence! I 
must admit I thought it was getting a bit tight, time wise, to say we would 
meet tonight and figured it was gonna be the usual Wednesday get together.

Having said all that I now, cant make tonight or Wednesday however I can make 
a fortnight today eg 4.10.04.

PS its my birthday tomorrow and I will be the ripe old age of ????



Peter Cannon

peter at cannon-linux.freeserve.co.uk

"There is every excuse for not knowing!"
"But there is no excuse for not asking!"

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