[Wolves] My Ubuntu Headache et al...

Andy Wootton andy.wootton at wyrley.demon.co.uk
Sun Feb 6 13:21:07 GMT 2005

abdul shakur wrote:

>Hi guys,
>I have some problems with my pc running ubuntu as
>1. Can not get any music output though I get various
>sound when I close or open files and others. The cd
>player actually indicates as running. My sound card is
>an Intel Corp. 82801AA AC'97 Audio.
>2.Totem does not play my DVD's though I get a window.
>The DVD player is a SAMSUNG DVD-ROM SD-616T.
1. You aren't alone Abdul. Your problem may just be lack of a wire from 
the CD player to the sound card input though.It may have worked like 
that with Windows because it will transfer the data over the bus. It is 
a philosophical point whether this is better or worse than not working.

I've got no sound from my Sonic Fury. (It came with my PC and  I have 
never had it working to add to the fun.)
There are a few posts with similar problems out on the net but the only 
answer I've found was to mute an 'external amplifier' in the mixer 
settings. That didn't work for me or the guy it was aimed at. Does 
everyone see  two different tabs in the mixer; one for OSS and one for 
ALSA? Is Gnome 'Volume Control' the mixer I should be using? Is 
Gstreamer a good thing? I get the impression we are in the middle of 
changing between standards/architectures but I haven't been following 
sound until now. Can anyone offer a few pointers? Cheers.

2. Look back to recent posts. I think the MP3 and DVD code has to be 
obtained elsewhere because of legal restrictions.


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