[Wolves] You win some, you lose some

Baza baza at themauvezone.fsnet.co.uk
Tue Jan 11 01:18:42 GMT 2005

On 10/1/05 9:31 pm, "Mo Awkati" <mawkati at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> I had an ultimate kick in the teeth today. One of my
> converts did not stick with SuSE more than one day
> because its not supported by AOL! Took off SuSE and
> installed XP! The main reason for changing to Linux
> was viruses. I said "I don't want to put a damper on
> it, but soon you will be back to square one". I was
> not involved in the Linux installation process or
> setting it up.
> I felt quite disappointed, but when I fired up my pc
> tonight, it was very spirit up lifting. Its stable,
> safe, secure, beauitful etc. etc. etc. People accept
> the flaws in windows because thats the way it is.
> My biggest fear is that we don't end up with too many
> distors and none of then are kept being polished for
> the home user. We thrive on sorting issues out and
> when we get things to work we get a kick out of it, I
> certainly do. I want to see as a perfect Linux distro
> as one can get, so that I feel confident when I
> suggest to someone to change over to Linux I don't end
> up giving them 24/7 support. My other fear is that
> people like SUSE, Mandrake, Fedora and so on give up
> on the home market and spend time on the enterprise
> servers, both have to go together because people in
> the work environment are also home users, if they use
> Linux at work they will more than likley use it at
> home if it is available.
> Sorry for going on about things this is the only place
> I can talk about this where I will be understood!
> I am off to have a nice cup of tea and think about how
> fortunate I am to be part of Linux. :-)
> Mo

The Ubuntu Linux desktop is, and as far as I know, will remain, firmly aimed
at the home / non-hacker user. Plus it uses APT which is ace.


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