[Wolves] You win some, you lose some

Adam Sweet drinky76 at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 11 00:47:32 GMT 2005

Ahh fear not, there will always be naysayers on the
road to righteousness :) AOL is something you can't do
anything about, other than a lengthy explanation about
proprietary protocols (am I right in thinking AOL
still do this?).

You are fighting the good fight. Your friend may well
change ISP some time in the future and you can tell
them that Linux will work for them. Who knows, they
might think about this the next time they are swamped
with porn popups, other malware or a particularly
nasty virus outbreak starts choking their bandwidth
and mass emailing their relatives.

>From the perspective of someone who seems to be the
only computer guy anyone I know knows, these are the
biggest reasons to move to Linux for an end-user that
doesn't give a crap about FOSS or any other aspect of
Linux, as I seem to spend my days taking calls on what
to do about these things, before eventually having to
go round and sort it out for them.

Have you tried Ubuntu yet? I've been looking at it
more and more. It certainly looks like the most
end-user proof distro I've seen, moreso than SuSE to
be honest. Jono and I had a bit of a 'What can you
plug in-athon' the other day to see what it would
recognise and automatically open (with a default app
or a file manager window). The only thing that didn't
work was a camera with flat batteries ;) I really must
test it out on a spare PC and an innocent bystander.

As an aside, does anyone have any experience of
setting up a pppoa connection, specifically ADSL (and
USB modem) under Linux, particularly Ubuntu. I know it
used to be pretty hard. Just wondered where it stands
now. Jono can you test this as you have a connection
coming up? Maybe I could at some point.

Mo you are a one man advocacy machine and you are
doing it for honest reasons, to help your friends get
a more pleasurable experience from their PCs. I am
almost embarrassed to place my efforts next to yours. 

Good on you :)




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