[Wolves] Cheap mono Laser at PC World

Peter Cannon peter at cannon-linux.freeserve.co.uk
Thu Jan 27 20:10:44 GMT 2005

On Thursday 27 January 2005 18:39, Matt Warwick wrote:
> >Spy Bot is add ware don't use it!!!
> Is it really? Ad-aware and Spybot are both trustworthy, but I will agree
> with you that Spy Sweeper is probably one of the best you can get. We sell
> it at work for £15 with Healthchecks (£30 normally) so we do sell a lot of
> copies and it does the job well for the newbies.

I'm 99% convinced its spy bot (but I might be wrong) what I will 
stand-up-and-be-counted-for is that the only product that I have found to be 
the best is Spysweeper (for Windows) we use it at work, I use it at home.

So your selling it for £15.00? want to know what I sell it for? 
I sell shed loads! £35.00 a pop! plus £65.00 an hour for 

Read it and weep :-)

The way to do it is wait till their machine is crippled by ad-ware or better 
still its stuffed full of porn adds, load up Spysweeper, clean the machine, 
show them the amount of traces & programs found (that generally puts the 
willys up them, uninstall it then offer to sell it them. what I usually say 
then is "As I've already charged you for cleaning it I wont charge to 
re-install" they're generally begging by that point.

Mind you £30.00 for health checks is a good un ;-)

As Ron said, Kevan, you should charge. I know its not in the spirit of this 
list but there are times when it pays to charge, otherwise people start to 
take the p%$£

Peter Cannon
Suse Pro 9.2 & Fedora Core 3

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