[Wolves] Re: more fedora (again)

roundyz roundyz at hotpop.com
Wed Jul 6 06:12:12 BST 2005

On Wednesday 06 Jul 2005 01:21, wolves-request at mailman.lug.org.uk wrote:
> Message: 3
> Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2005 16:29:36 +0100
> From: Peter Cannon <peter at cannon-linux.co.uk>
> Subject: Re: [Wolves] Re: Peter's attack on my fedora gripes as a
>         distribution.....
> To: Wolverhampton Linux User Group <wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk>
> Message-ID: <200507051629.44249.peter at cannon-linux.co.uk>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> On Tuesday 05 July 2005 14:52, roundyz wrote:
> > No they don't you are right but installing them is easier for a fresh
> > COMPUTER USER to do on windows than on linux.
> Na, not if your new to computers coz ya wouldn't know any different you'd
> think thats the way its done.

yerh but surly a wizard is much more easy than finding options in this case?

> > Where would you ask if you was a fresh COMPUTER USER?
> Um, Mr Google?

If you wouldn't know the way things where done ( see up) how would you know 
about google???? (no link on the fedora desktop you know........)

> > 13year olds. yerh I'm sure. I can name over five people in my family who
> > wouldn't be able to do it.One can't even hold the mouse and click at the
> > same time. 13 years old, yerh, Computers are very much a part of thier
> > generation. ask someone over 40, or 50.only computers they had growing up
> > till the 80's was a watch.No cut and paste on that.
> One of my telesales staff is 61 and she can do it, never used a computer
> until she came here 2 years ago :P

Be honest thought, It's 1 in like 20.

> > note the MANUALLY, not clicking on the jigsaw part.(the jigsaw install
> > has never worked for me either, ever)
> I'll come clean it only worked for me after FC2

fairplay, mate.

> > > > > for someone who comes from an M$ environment I imagine would
> > > > > be quite a task. My mother couldn't do it. to be honest it would
> > > > > take her 2 weeks with a step by step walkthrough...
> > > > > oh and no compiling CUPS support for kde print.
> Course your mum could do it, mums are great they can leap tall buildings at
> a single bound, stop locomotives and make you feel like you're still 7
> years old.

yerh, they don't all shop at iceland you know......

> > I never did, but red hat are know to do this as they favour gnome, its a
> > common problem, honest.
> OK you got me, up until FC3 I used KDE on Fedora but since then I've always
> used Gnome but I'm sure I had the printers working under KDE in fact I was
> moaning the other week that there was a scan feature that automatically
> found printers but was now missing, I bet that was under KDE.

Use mr. Google and locate the CUPS website. you will see.

> > These arnt phantom issues they are real. They are just gripes with fedora
> > distros. We all got gripes.
> Oh alright maybe not phantom in your own experiences but God loves a Fedora
> user ;-)

And we are all blessed, Lets take a moment to all look up to the Red Hat in 
the sky..

> > Dude my orinal post was about issues with fedora, about how as its
> > distributed ain't so friendly. I damn sure hope this wasn't an attack on
> > me....I wouldn't be too pleased. There also ain't no record to be set
> > straight as all my points are valid and true.
> You leave my lovely Fedora alone you horrid man ;-)

see UP.

> > BTW.....I aint a new user. I been using red hat since 5.2 (i still have
> > the book that came with it!!).
> Oops, I'll get me coat.
no need my friend, I have it for you ;)    :)

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