[Wolves] new topic:What digital camera do you own (if any)?

Kevin Adams kev at magicmoon.co.uk
Fri Jul 22 11:33:42 BST 2005

On Friday, July 22, 2005, at 10:52 AM, Adam Sweet wrote:

> --- roundyz <roundyz at hotpop.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> What digital camera do you all own?
>> I have a cheap praktica dc camera 4MP with no
>> optical zoom, and a 1GB SD card.
>> I'm looking for a new one as I've outgrown this one.
> Mine is a Nokia Coolpix 3100 and works fine with Linux
> and gtkam, I think I had to install gtkam and possibly
> something else first though.

Another coolpix 3100 owner here.

It's been a doddle to set up & use on every system I've had.  As Adam 
said it's a couple of years old so there are bound to be better models 
available now - or you'd pick up this one very cheap.  I was 
recommended to use a nikon by a photographer friend who'd done quite a 
bit of research before hand too.


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