[Wolves] Clubs in Wolverhampton

Wayne Morris wayne at machx.co.uk
Wed Jun 15 10:44:30 BST 2005

fizzy wrote:

>--- Barbie <barbie at missbarbell.co.uk> wrote:
>>The Varisty is a bit too small. They seem to be
>>playing clubs, which is what
>>they do in the states. The Wulfren is completely the
>>wrong type of venue for
>There aren't any large clubs in Wolverhampton, that do
>gigs.  Varsity, little civic and planet are all tiny
>and the Wulfrun you've ruled out, but that's the only
>500-1000 person venue that I can think of in Wolves.
>Perhaps Dudley JBs would match said requirements?
Robin Hood Club, Bilston.?

700 capacity, and of course it is THE live music venue for the like.

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