[Wolves] linux mag out DV stuck

Kevanf1 kevanf1 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 7 10:33:49 GMT 2005

On Fri, 4 Mar 2005 11:05:00 EST, Simmror at aol.com <Simmror at aol.com> wrote:
> Kevin,
>  this is known as "inconvenience packaging" ever tried opening a packet of
> biscuits it says tear here!! the problem is this is the "English disease" we
> just put up with anythig if it happened on the continent or  in the States
> there would be a public uproar, and tose responsible would put it right. 
>  regards
>  Robert
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Ah, the really annoying thing about those packets of biscuits is the
subtle (or not so) way they have of 'making' you eat more than you
want.  How far down is that tear here tag on the biscuit packet? 
About a third of the way.  It's fine if you can empty the packet and
put them into a tin or biscuit barrel (I'm being posh, I know) but if
you only wanted one or two biscuits....  Last January - 2004 - I
weighed in at 18 stone.  I blame years of being forced to eat too many
chocolate biscuits ;-)))))))  I stopped opening the packets and now
I'm 14 stone :-))))

So what does all this have to do with Linux?  Plenty, you can get
through a lot of biccies when you are tinkering with the set up.

Take care.
Kevan Farmer

34 Hill Street
Cheslyn Hay

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