Sparc64 was Re: [Wolves] Why does Ubuntu want the CD to install portmap?

Steve Parkes sparkes at
Tue May 17 14:21:28 BST 2005

Adam Sweet wrote:

>--- Steve Parkes <sparkes at> wrote:
>>Yeah. On a kind of related theme, I'm thinking of
>>doing a "Ron" and trying out Gentoo....
>Are there any good choices for Sparc64 these days? I'd
>like to run Debian but I'm reluctant to move if
>they're thinking about pulling the port.

I don't think debian are dropping any ports are they?  The unoffical 
ubuntu port is a dog because the build servers are so far behind and 
much of universe is broken but debian still works nice.

One point it's a 32 bit distro with 64bit user space because much of the 
time that's what people really need.  AFAIK gentoo is 64 bit throughout 
on a stage one install.

>Either way I'd still prefer to use
>Debian. Does anyone know more than me about whether
>the Sparc port is going to get dropped?
why would they drop the port when it is the best supported (in terms of 
developers) sparc distro out there?

>PS Sorry about the last post, I was shaking the crap
>out of my keyboard (produced a worrying amount eyebrow
>/ nasal hair(???) and yellow crusty crap) and I must
>have hit enter by mistake.
you crusty bastard, next time it's the shoe ;-)


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