[Wolves] Recording a video tutorial with vnc2swf

Stuart Langridge sil at kryogenix.org
Thu Nov 24 11:47:41 GMT 2005

> Is there an easy way to rescale the output video so it fits better in
> a fullscreen browser though?  Is it simply a case of changing screen
> resolution? Also can the vnc2swf be run in one gui desktop whilst
> another destop is used for the presentation or is that tooo complex?

I'm planning on fixing the latter point by making it easier to use; it
will just start by clicking "Record a screencast" or similar, and then
you'll click a tiny camera icon in the notification area (on the panel
at the top) to stop recording, so there won't be two terminal windows
on your screen running it. I'm not sure I understand the first point,
though; could you explain in a bit more detail?


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