[Wolves] Bandwidth monitoring

David Goodwin dg at clocksoft.com
Thu Sep 8 18:13:55 BST 2005

> Basically I need to know the amount of traffic in in
> MB (or KB or whatever) going in and out of a machine
> so that it can be calculated at the end of every
> month. The data would therefore need to survive an
> ifdown or a reboot.

> So far my googling has produced things that look
> abandoned, I just wondered if anyone has any
> suggetsions.
> TIA,
> Ad

iptables, crude though. wouldn't survive a reboot, unless you store the 
values in a db/file every X period of time.


David Goodwin
w: http://www.clocksoft.co.uk
e: david.goodwin at clocksoft.com
t: 0121 313 3850

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