[Wolves] Network stuff.

David Morley davmor2 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 20 20:16:32 BST 2005

Okay people I have a basic network set up, thanks to list donated
hardware I have set up smoothwall firewall/router on one box.  I have
Win98 left on a box so I can setup samba client/server (but am in need
of an old AT mouse rectangle shape connector, thought I had one).  I
have Ubuntu on the other three for now.

Basically what I would like to know, is does anyone know of a good but
relatively basic tutorial I could follow in order to set up nfs/samba
and cups and lamp server and a mail server?  most of the ones I've
found seem to need a degree to comprehend.  What I would like to do is
basicall set up a share folder on all the machines and swap files
around within the network.
Seek That Thy Might Know

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