[Wolves] I give up forthe minute

Peter Cannon peter at cannon-linux.co.uk
Wed Aug 16 15:51:16 BST 2006

On Wednesday 16 August 2006 15:38, Simon Morris wrote:

> Well (and this in no way suggests *you* should go and do it but...) only
> yesterday you were saying that only coders are considered valuable etc.

The moment I hit the send button I just knew you'd say that :P

Before that can happen I need to get it working, it maybe that I've done 
something wrong when I try to access the index file I get a URL cannot be 
found BUT its coming from Covide as I've never seen that theme on my 
webserver before. Its not Apache (I think)  plus it should display a login so 
maybe theres a redirect error somewhere?


Not to worry I'll have another go later, they have a howto using VMware and 
debian-31rla-i386-netinst.iso I might have a go at home.

Peter Cannon

"There is every excuse for not knowing
there is no excuse for not asking"

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