Debian Etch (Was Re: [Wolves] Nsa using linux)

Andy Smith andy at
Sun Aug 27 04:05:21 BST 2006

On Sat, Aug 26, 2006 at 07:39:30PM +0100, Peter Cannon wrote:
> Um, stupid (I know nothing about Debian) I've just finished installing what 
> was billed as testing however its denoted as "Etch" 
> 1. Have I got the right one?

Yes, testing == Etch currently.

> 2. Do I still need to change /apt/sources.list entries to 'testing'?

You could if you wanted to (and wouldn't notice any difference for
now), however once Etch is released then Etch would actually be
Debian Stable and the next name will be testing.

So decide which outcome you wish to aim towards.  If you aim to
always track testing then change it to testing.  If you want to use
it a pre-release to stable and then remain at stable once its
released them leave it as Etch.

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