[Wolves] my covide progress #14

Peter Cannon peter at cannon-linux.co.uk
Mon Aug 28 11:05:36 BST 2006

Hi All

Debian 'Etch' is defiantly 'unstable' vi is very upperty anyway it didn't work 
so I went back to a fresh start of Sarge.

I installed all the php5 stuff except php5-pgsql because it said it couldn't 
find it however I had a cunning plan;

deb http://people.debian.org/~dexter all sarge
deb-src http://people.debian.org/~dexter all sarge

Has the php5-pgsql  so I edited the sources.list added the above then 
installed php5-pgsql it said I had to pick a specific one so I just guessed.

Still wont start, complaining about undefined function again, I've seen how to 
fix that error (Supposedly) on Google but thats not whats written in the 
readme so I'm a bit stumped again.

Oh well 15th attempt coming up :)

P.S. Tomboy is your friend, I've been using it to keep notes and snippets its 
a great way to reference what your doing.
Peter Cannon
"There is every excuse for not knowing
there is no excuse for not asking"

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