[Wolves] Bringing advanced Free (as in Freedom) technology to
Windows platforms
Peter Cannon
peter at cannon-linux.co.uk
Mon Jun 19 09:34:46 BST 2006
On Saturday 17 June 2006 22:01, Shane M. Coughlan wrote:
> This makes sense. If your ISP is different to your work network
> provider that can mean a refusal to allow access to SMTP. For instance,
> I was using Blueyonder at home and Wanadoo dial-up on the move. When I
> was on Wanadoo I had to change the SMTP settings to their one. It's a
> bit annoying.
So how come with exactly the same settings on my Fedora laptop using KMail
email works? I can send and receive fine with KMail I am sending this email
now out of works buildings to my ISP via smtp.
Is it something to do with Outlook being the default mail client on my (Work)
Windows box? at home its Firefox/Windows. I have given it some thought but
can't fathom it out, my Laptop/Fedora is not officially a member of works
Domain the domain will let me connect for Internet access and I can get
access to Windows shares because I know the passwords.
The MobilityMail is obviously getting access to the internet as it took me to
the add-ons Mozilla site.
> Nope. I hate it when people answer questions and suggestions with "why
> don't YOU build it?"
I don't remember saying "Why don't you build it" any any shape or form I do
remember giving some suggestions as to how it might work of which I was fully
expecting to be told "It cant do it that way because......... you twonk"
> It would be great if we could have some form of automatic dual-boot
> system. We have not found an implementation method that makes us happy
> yet. As you will have noticed there is a strong focus on making the
> technology appear coherent, whole and really simple. We would want to
> make sure our dual-boot would fit into this.
> I guess what could be done is to have a little script that would be
> double-click on a Linux machine. If someone had WINE it would call that
> and launch Mobility Email, and if someone did not have WINE it would
> apologize and tell them to install it.
Yeah that would work but the purists wouldn't like it.
> Would anyone like to help making that? I don't have time right now and
> it would be something really nice to have.
I can just about write my name in a text editor, its no good looking at me :)
> That's a cheap 2GB!
Not if you was buying it from me ;)
> Hm...if you could email me off-list with more specifics I'm sure I could
> help you. Failing that I can haul in another member of the Enigmail team.
That is very generous of you, I will email you from home where most of my
balls ups are located. Either tonight or over the next couple of days.
> Can you tell me what happened with the filters? Was it a code issue or
> was it more to do with setting up new filters on a slightly unfamiliar
> application?
To be honest I'm not sure, under KMail I'm used to right clicking the relevant
email within 'inbox' selecting 'create filter' the dialog box opening,
selecting the relevant folder to drop the mails in and applying.
Don't quote me but I think under MobilityMail you need to set them against
each account, they suddenly started working, so I haven't messed with them
since. I will say every now and again either the RSS feeds and or Email draws
down stuff that's already there but its no big deal.
> Thanks again for using Mobility Email. I'm glad you have found it
> useful. This is a long-term project to provide a secure communication
> solution.
The biggest bonus for me is I don't need to lug my Laptop with me, plus (In an
ideal world) I can use it anywhere.
Peter Cannon
"There is every excuse for not knowing
there is no excuse for not asking"
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