[Wolves] PC suppliers

Daniel Jones djones9960 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 16 14:01:48 GMT 2006

On 15/03/06, Peter Cannon <peter at cannon-linux.co.uk> wrote:
> On Wednesday 15 March 2006 16:35, Daniel Jones wrote:
> > I'd shop for the bits online too; it's usually cheaper. (dabs.com)
> If you can build one cheaper yourself then you had better speak to the 900
> resellers who went out of business last year due to pressures from the likes
> of Dell, and PC world (I've even heard of companys buying from ASDA).
> We ourselves have given up building our own. Please don't try and tell me you
> can command a better price as an individual when we as a company with bigger
> buying powers than you cant build them cheaper than Dell.

The cheapest deal I could find on the dell site is:

Cost: £250 INC VAT + DEL

Equivalent(with dabs.com quicklink code):
Case:  39MVWS   £24.98
Celeron D 335:  3WKKWS  £54.30
Mainboard 3WKKWS  £42.05
256MB DDR 37JCWS  £13.86
52x IDE CD-ROM  36MXWS  £10.57
Floppy Disk:  2H30WS  £6.40
40Gb HD:  3SFYWS  £26.95
Scroll Mouse:  3H4ZWS  £2.56
Multimedia Keyboard:  3H4GWS   £4.05

Total cost:  £185.72 INC VAT  (plus delivery though; so add a tenner or so)

I can get those prices (and so can you) as a private individual.  If
you can't beat those prices as a company then if I were you I'd review
my supplier situation.  (OK so mine is a barebones machine but all I
ever do with XP Home is deinstall it and I think all anyone ever does
with Works (which is what the Dell machine comes with) is swear at it
then deinstall... :) )


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