CACert (was Re: [Wolves] A day with the boys from GLLUG)

Peter Cannon peter at
Sat May 6 00:14:06 BST 2006

On Friday 05 May 2006 23:29, Andy Smith wrote:

> Okay, but how does that relate to my argument that the SSL
> certificate industry is like a cartel? :)

Now you release the demon.

For an ssl certificate or a pgp certificate to be believed by everyone you 
need a governing body, some authority thats trusted.

Nobody has the time, resources, or finances to regulate this from their 
kitchen, plus, like it or not, the majority will only trust a financially 
supported body, an organisation that has staff to monitor, administer the 
plethora of certificates.

Actually this is a very good opening gambit for the whole Linux ethos, things 
are moving along very very fast from what I see posted on the web its a case 
of king canute all over again. The warning signs are there if you care to 
read them.

Propriety Linux will be king within a very short time, to turn this full 
circle it would not surprise me to see nominal fees being charge for Ubuntu 
very soon thats because of the huge take up.

"Once you have them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow"

Peter Cannon
"There is every excuse for not knowing
there is no excuse for not asking"

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