CACert (was Re: [Wolves] A day with the boys from GLLUG)
kevanf1 at
Sat May 6 11:17:33 BST 2006
On 06/05/06, Peter Cannon <peter at> wrote:
> On Friday 05 May 2006 23:29, Andy Smith wrote:
> > Okay, but how does that relate to my argument that the SSL
> > certificate industry is like a cartel? :)
> Now you release the demon.
> For an ssl certificate or a pgp certificate to be believed by everyone you
> need a governing body, some authority thats trusted.
> Nobody has the time, resources, or finances to regulate this from their
> kitchen, plus, like it or not, the majority will only trust a financially
> supported body, an organisation that has staff to monitor, administer the
> plethora of certificates.
> Actually this is a very good opening gambit for the whole Linux ethos, things
> are moving along very very fast from what I see posted on the web its a case
> of king canute all over again. The warning signs are there if you care to
> read them.
> Propriety Linux will be king within a very short time, to turn this full
> circle it would not surprise me to see nominal fees being charge for Ubuntu
> very soon thats because of the huge take up.
> "Once you have them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow"
> --
> Regards
> Peter Cannon
> "There is every excuse for not knowing
> there is no excuse for not asking"
That's roughly it in a nutshell.
I would add though, that, people seemed to be falling over themselves
to trust Thawte. That trust was then accepted when Mark S decided to
go into creating Ubuntu. Has there been such a major change in
Thawte/Verisign that they can no longer be trusted?
I'm speaking in a general term here by the way. I don't refer to
individual trust as there is always somebody who does not 'trust',
which is needed for a healthy society.
I am only human, please forgive me if I make a mistake it is not deliberate.
PLEASE DON'T drink and drive it's not clever, it's just stupid.
Kevan Farmer
Linux user #373362
Cheslyn Hay
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