[OT] Re: [Wolves] Long sig files....again

Richard Smedley smedley358 at btinternet.com
Wed Nov 15 23:54:03 GMT 2006

Hello Kevan,

On Wednesday 15 November 2006 22:54, Kevanf1 wrote:
> Who was it that was moaning about my long sig' file?  :-)))  Well,
> check this one out:
[S********** Freecycle sig snipped]

Indeed, but surely less annoying than the strange names 
that people post under on that particular list - particularly as
one of them is mis-spelled - and the common practice of using
lol as almost a comma by some members there.
I wish Freecycle lists had separate off-topic lists so we
could let off steam about this sort of nonsense in the
appropriate place =^)

Right, should I go back to talking about Free Software now?
Birmingham Council Libraries' GNU/Linux probs?
Dell MS refunds to Free Software users?
Novell trying to subvert GPL v2?

No, let's keep it OT - there's enough GNU/Linux
talk at work ;-)

 - Richard

Richard Smedley,                                    richard at sc.lug.org.uk
Sustainable IT Consultant
                            ``Software Freedom for the Voluntary Sector''

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