[Wolves] ID cards

Peter Evans zen8486 at zen.co.uk
Wed Nov 22 09:42:50 GMT 2006

On Wednesday 22 November 2006 09:18, Stuart Langridge wrote:
> While I don't want to bog the list down in politics that statement is 
> neither correct nor defensible, unless you're operating such a low
> standard of defensibility that any argument, no matter how invalid,
> counts as a defence.

Isn't this precisely what is happening in the introduction of ID cards?  Where 
not only are invalid arguments being put forward as justification, but no 
meaningful debates are taking place either.

> I invite you to consider, for example, cases of 
> wrongful imprisonment, especially given that the government wants to
> charge those wrongfully imprisoned for the cost of the food and
> lodging they received at the gummint's expense while wrongly banged up
> in H.M. Prison Shawshank.
> sil

Oh I agree, and the recent newspaper articles regarding the treatment of a 
relative of "Frost's" creator illustrates this, but I also think slightly out 
of context?

Pete Evans 

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