[Wolves] Coder breaking

Stuart Langridge sil at kryogenix.org
Mon Nov 27 15:16:31 GMT 2006

> > No idea what a "+4 rotation" is.
> As I understand it, a simple rotation code involves shoving each
> character a certain number of spaces forward or backward in the
> alphabet (sliding between A and Z at either end), so encoding "hello"
> in ROT4 it becomes "lipps". Can't see how it fits in with this one,
> though.

I thought of that :) Wrote a Python script to try that out and skip
through different values and so on, but I didn't get anywhere. I'm
forced to conclude that it's more complex than just breaking it up
into two-digit blocks, but then I don't know how to break it up...


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   -- Paul Hammond

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