[Wolves] Meeting room

Jayne Heger jayneheger at gmail.com
Tue Sep 5 17:56:47 BST 2006

On 9/5/06, Kevanf1 <kevanf1 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hmmm, as one of those one time only attendees this is my view.  I
> found the one time I came along rather intimidating.  Not the banter
> etc, it's jsut that I've alwyas been that way in crowds of people that
> I don't know.  Sure I have in the past stood up and spoken in front of
> 400 odd strangers - Wolves Uni business presentation where things were
> not going according to plan).  I'm happier with a small group of
> people who I can gradually get to know.  Perhpas what has happened to
> the Wolves LUG is that the core of more extroverted members are the
> more regular attendees.  Whilst those who are more reserved now try it
> once but then shy away after that one time visit.

I remember my first LUG visit, back in the old days of  The Moon Under The
Water pub, I  thought that was a good venue, why did we stop meeting there?
Anyway.... my first
 LUG visit I personally didn't find intimidating, I thoroughly enjoyed it,
even though I was the only woman, but then I feel more comfortable around
men, thats going off the subject though.

I could be wrong but it's now up to the others who rarely attend a LUG
> meeting to speak up and state their personal reasons for not
> attending.  I'd also add that for me it's the fact that I do get tired
> very easily so I feel awkward after only an hour or so if I'm sitting
> yawning my head off.  No, not my age, more like the drugs I take -
> prescription not illegal ones ;-)

For me its
A) Because I'm lazy and when I get home from work I just want to slob around
and just unwind, watch tv, DVDs, read etc..
When I was attending quite a few LUGS, I was a student at uni so I had more
B) I'm in Birmingham, thats not really much of an issue now that I can
drive. However I haven't driven as far as Wolverhampton yet on my own <bites
nails> eeekkk.

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