[Wolves] Exim question

Adam Sweet drinky76 at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 15 22:50:22 BST 2007

--- Wayne <waynelists at machx.co.uk> wrote:

> I have a filter set up to stop unwanted file
> extensions:
> deny message = Blacklisted file extension detected-
> pls try again w/o 
> attachment!
>        condition = ${if match \
>                         {${lc:$mime_filename}} \
> {\N(\.exe|\.pif|\.bat|\.scr|\.gif|\.lnk|\.com)$\N} \
>                      {1}{0}}
> how can I add another rule that says "except for
> this list of people who 
> can send anything they like"

Hey Wayne, sorry I meant to reply a few days ago but
this got lost in my swamp of obligations.

Try adding:

!senders       = address1 : address2 : address3

beneath the deny statement, using colons as address
separators as above.

Or use an external file and search it, by swapping the
above statement with:

!senders       = @@lsearch;/etc/exim/sender_whitelist

and then in sender_whitelist, a domain: user1 : user2
list such as:

domain.co.uk:    wayne   : alex    : dave.morley
domain.com:      chris   : suntish : ron : johnny

Note that those specify the domain and then the user
part of the address.

Try that, you might have to frig with the syntax as I
have lifted it from some other ACLs I use, but it
should be ok.

If I can get my head out of my arse for long enough,
people have expressed an interest in me doing a talk
on mail servers and so I might actually get around to
writing one. Hopefully people like Ron who I suspect
know a lot more than me on the subject won't sit there
tutting and shaking their heads all the way through :)




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