[Wolves] Please Don't......

Suntish Narain suntish_narain at suntish-narain.co.uk
Mon Aug 20 20:44:20 BST 2007

Hello everyone!
It has never been in my intention to upset anyone in the WLUG, by attaching that file. I was only thinking that it might help those who don't know about GPG and security, to understand it better. But i guess i have created an issue in doing that, which  i am really sorry!  No more attachments.

I apologise for all this. If you get into trouble, just tell them you got it from me.

> Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2007 16:54:23 +0100
> From: drinky76 at yahoo.com
> Subject: Re: [Wolves] Please Don't......
> To: wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
> --- Alastair Battrick <al at aj8.org> wrote:
> > Dave Morley wrote:
> > > This is just a general reminder to please not post
> > links to content that
> > > is not free to view. It can come back to haunt us
> > through the lovely
> > > archiving system.  If content is a tutorial on a
> > free website that is
> > > fine.  But if content is not under a free to view
> > licensing like CC or
> > > GPL etc then Please Don't Do It.
> > 
> > Why?
> There are 2 issues here.
> The first is that this PDF contains a copyright notice
> which states that the contents may not be reproduced
> or transmitted by any means including electronic,
> without the permission of the copyright owner and
> publisher.
> In short it's illegal. No Starch Press make many of
> their books available for download as PDF, but not for
> free. I doubt they'd take kindly to us passing them
> around. It should also be noted that we all now have a
> copy of this PDF on our PCs, unless you deleted it (be
> sure your mail client hasn't cached it).
> I'd hate to see them use some kind of DRM to protect
> their PDFs. I wouldn't like to explain to No Starch
> Press' lawyers how I got their copyrighted material
> either.
> The second, as Andy illustrated (being the sysadmin of
> the box that this list runs on), is that posting
> attachments means that the server has to deliver that
> attachment to all of the list members, including
> retries and bounces. Which, as he points out, created
> a 650MB spike in bandwidth usage, which none of us
> have paid for, but somebody has to. This is why
> Suntish posted it twice. The load on the server caused
> by the first one slowed the system down for every
> mailing list on the box (which is pretty much every
> LUG in the UK) and meant that it wasn't delivered
> promptly for anyone.
> In fairness, I'm pretty sure that Suntish had no idea
> that he would cause a problem.
> So, to summarise:
> 1) Don't post attachments to the list.
> 2) Don't post copyrighted material to the list.
> Please :)
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