[Wolves] Forced to ditch Linux

Kevanf1 kevanf1 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 28 12:06:18 BST 2007

On 27/08/07, Chris Fox <chris at robotninja.net> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Kevanf1 wrote:
> > Jeez, that's simply bullsh*t!
> I'm not getting dragged into a flame war, fin.

No, neither am I!

> But bullshit it ain't. Considering the number of people who quite
> contently run it, if MS software was as bad as you make out then the
> world would have imploded or something.


> Try taking a deep breath before you hit "Send", and think about which
> one of us is living in "cloud cuckoo land".

Oh I think I know who that is... having used possibly all flavours of
MS Windows (barring Vista because I cannot afford it and wouldn't want
to buy it anyway) and a good few iterations of MS DOS I know full well
how secure that OS is or is not.  I have also had to clean up hundreds
if not thousands of PC's that were infected.  Yet, not once have I
ever had a problem security wise with any Linux distro.  Why hasn't MS
imploded yet?  I'll tell you why.  Lies, lies, promises and a
fantastic marketing and business team.  Simple as that.  Look how
dangerous cars were and arguably still are.  Yet they are still

Kevan Farmer
Linux user #373362

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