[Wolves] New to Ubuntu

Chris Fox chris at robotninja.net
Sun Jul 22 18:13:51 BST 2007

Mo Awkati wrote:
> Hi
> I have finally installed Ubuntu.  I installed Ubunto 7.04 from LXF DVD 
> and all runs well.
> In trying to switch over from SUSE 10.2,
> 1. I would like to install the Adobe reader for linux, is it possible to 
> install it in Ubunto, if so how? I have already searched through the add 
> and remove software but there is no reference to it there.

You shouldn't need to install any extra software beyond a default Ubuntu 
install in order to open PDF files.

Most distros include a Document Reader application called evince as part 
of Gnome (I'm sure KDE has an equivalent too), and double-clicking a PDF 
file should launch it automatically.

> 2. I would like to install RealPlayer and/or Mplayer is that possible? 
> same as 1 above.

For non-free media codecs, you might want to look into adding the 
Medibuntu repository to your sources list.


This repository contains software that Ubuntu/Canonical can't legally 
distribute due to issues with software patents etc in certain countries, 
so [insert blah blah disclaimer etc etc].

After adding the Medibuntu repo (instructions in the link above), a 
quick "sudo apt-get install realplay" should install RealPlayer.

(sidenote - Medibuntu does include a package called "acroread" which is 
Acrobat Reader, if you're having problems with evince.)

> 3. How do I stop having to log in with my name and password every time I 
> boot up? I checked the log in screen preferences and the users screens 
> but no option to do so like in SUSE.

As has already been mentioned, Desktop - Administration - Login Window.



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