[Wolves] a strange hardware problem

Adam Sweet drinky76 at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 1 16:30:08 BST 2007

--- Broadfield Robert <BroadfieldR at walsall.gov.uk>

> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: wolves-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk
> [mailto:wolves-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk] On Behalf
> Of Philip Harper

> >hi
> >I have a really bizzare hardware problem.
> >for no apparent reason the machine seems to go into
> >sleep mode (monitor sleeps, and machine has to be
> physically powered
> off).
> Seems to me that the problem is with the hardware
> and more specifically
> to do with the power supply unit (PSU).  A
> surprisingly high percentage
> of problems are power supply related even though
> symptoms may be
> sporadic/seem unrelated.  It's possible to check the
> power is within
> certain tolerances using a multimeter and new PSU's
> are fairly cheap
> (but a bit fiddly to replace) so it's always a good
> idea to try this
> before spending large amounts of dosh on processors
> or motherboards
> (probably uneconomical if it's old kit, anyway). 
> However, you do need
> to know what you are doing and take precautions
> (with mains power &
> anti-static) before testing or replacing PSU's - I
> assume you do since
> you've already replaced the hard drive/tidied
> cables.

I have a PSU tester I can bring on Wednesday if you
want to bring your machine.




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