[Wolves] Free: office/computer/server stuff

Adam Sweet adam at adamsweet.org
Mon Nov 5 12:01:16 GMT 2007

Kris Douglas wrote:
> On 04/11/2007, *Adam Sweet* <drinky76 at yahoo.com
> <mailto:drinky76 at yahoo.com>> wrote:
>     First come first served, you can take as much as you
>     want. Collections from the office will need to take
>     place in early evening, preferably on Monday or
>     Tuesdays around 17:30-18:30. I can make other visits,
>     but I'd appreciate it if people could co-ordinate
>     their visits so I don't have to sit there for hours
>     night after night.
> Holy mackerel, you weren't joking. Should be coming over on Monday, any
> time specification (afternoon)?

I work til 5 in Wolverhampton, so I need to be able to get to Wellington
afterwards, so around 5:30 to 6:30 in the evening is good as it means I
don't have to spend an evening in an empty office and I have to be back
in Wolves by around 8pm.

Do you mean today or next Monday.


Adam Sweet



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