[Wolves] Meetings

James Turner james at turnersoft.co.uk
Fri Nov 9 22:07:51 GMT 2007

Dave Morley wrote:
> Due to the fact that we now have a minor in our midst and Licensing
> regulations at pubs I have formulated a plan of attack for the meeting
> and want to know which everyone would prefer.  Vote by adding your email
> to this post and simply select the number you want to vote for.
> Meetings based on a 4 meeting cycle
> 1/  Mine, Pub, Spice Avenue (probably), Pub.
> 2/  Mine, Pub, Mine, Spice Avenue (probably).
> 3/  Mine, Spice Avenue, Pub, Spice Avenue.
> 4/  Add your own option here

Here's the same information presented in terms of what percentage of
time is spent in what type of venue:

              (1)  (2)  (3)  (4a)  (4b)
Pub           50%  25%  25%  25%   ?
Restaurant    25%  25%  50%  25%   ?
Morleyville   25%  50%  25%  50%   ?

(1-3) Have "Spice Avenue (probably)" as the restaurant.
(4a)  is Adam and Alex's custom choice - same as (2) but pub and
      restaurant are specifically subject to variation.
(4b)  is Pete Cannon's custom choice that everyone apparently knows
      about except me. (Maybe abstention due to being so easy going?)

Non-exhaustive list of pubs to cycle through or choose randomly for use
with option (4a):

  The Hogs Head
  The Moon Under Water
  The Crooked House [do you mean the one situated Himley Road, Dudley]
  Mad O'Rourke's World Famous Pie Factory

Non-exhaustive list of restaurant to cycle through or choose randomly
from for use with option (4a) (note suspicious overlap with the pub list):

  The Spice Avenue
  Other generic curry house
  Local Desperate Dan cow pie outlet
  Other generic "pub grub" style dispensory
  Chinese eat-in-instead-of-take-away

My own choice is probably:

Pub          25%
Restaurant   25%
Morleyville  25%

the remaining 25% able to be allocated depending on circumstances at the
time (e.g. extra Morleyville if there are lots of pending talks, extra
restaurant if people are looking undernourished, etc).

On the pub weeks any fairly quiet one would do so that we can easily
hear each other talk and are at minimal risk of getting coshed. As for
restaurants I personally like curry houses so long as they have decent
vegetarian options - it'd like to vary things rather than always going
to the same place every time.

One thing that is clear is that we all like variety!



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