[Wolves] LUG Meetings

ArchLinuxUser dick_turpin dick_turpin at archlinux.us
Tue Nov 13 11:54:35 GMT 2007

On 13/11/2007, Chris Maggs <chrismaggs at gmail.com> wrote:
> Just a suggestion, but would it be possible to record the talks at the
> meetings and post them on the website (or on LUG Radio site) as I'd
> like to hear them but as you know Wales is a bit of a trek to the
> meetings every two weeks!!

Hm, anything is possible although we'd need 37 microphones dotted
around the room picking up such lovely elements as bum scratching,
belching, breaking wind and grown men crying because they need to
explain to the misses why they sold their soul to dick_turpin. ;-)

Actually its a nice idea, sort of, but I don't see it working without
a heck of a lot of editing you'd need to record all the small huddles
on seperate channels then splice it all together later making sure
you've left out all the pointless bits out.

I think a 'write up' or 'Minutes' would be better for you a bit like
we had on South Staffs Lug.


Dick Turpin

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