[Wolves] Google repositories

ArchLinuxUser dick_turpin dick_turpin at archlinux.us
Thu Oct 11 11:40:01 BST 2007

On 11/10/2007, Chris Fox <chris at robotninja.net> wrote:

> I know, and my point wasn't thay they're doing "good" or "bad" things
> with your data but that they're not collecting any identifiable (or even
> usable) data in the first place.

No that's incorrect, 'usage information' is valuable to someone that's why
we all have webstats on our websites it lets us know who is looking at what
that way we can say "Hm those risqué pictures of Adam are a hit lets get
more of them up there".

> I'm more interested in why people should use the service over and
> > above the tried and tested repos, and an observation that Google
> > pretty much cater for everything now so should I be slinging my Linux
> > boxes in the bin and doing all my work via my television and Google
> > on-line apps?
> Well IIRC most of the software in Google's Linux repos isn't released
> under a GPL licence so it couldn't be distributed as part of most
> official distros.

I don't understand what you're saying? Nearly all the distro's do that don't
they? you can download the iso then add the non-oss afterwards.

As for "Google are taking over the computing experience", I guess that's
> up to you. What best suits your workflow? Some people are happier having
> everything online and accessible from anywhere, while to be honest
> trying to work productively in a browser window just irritates me and
> raises my blood pressure.

lol, just wait till you have to do remote administration then its pretty
much the same thing

Personally I hardly use any web apps - the only ones I can think of that
> I use regularly are Google Reader (so I can read my RSS feeds in my
> lunch break at work) and RememberTheMilk (to track my Uni deadlines, but
> even that I'm (eventually) getting around to migrating into Evolution).

I only use Gmail :-)


Dick Turpin

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