[Wolves] Under 16s

James Turner james at turnersoft.co.uk
Tue Oct 23 19:59:37 BST 2007

Rob Parker wrote:

> The only problem is as I as said I am 15 (16 on 7th Jan 08), and was
> wondering whether it's OK for me to come to your meetings as most of
> them are at pubs and am not sure whether it's suitable, such as your one
> tomorrow:
> which I would like to come to but I don't expect I'll get a reply in
> time.

I'm sure that as far as people at the LUG are concerned it is no
problem. However, I have limited experience of accompanying "under-age"
persons into pubs and don't really know how receptive the establishment
will be to it.

If the worst comes to the worst then remember that we also have talks,
mini install fests ("mini-fests"?), demos, etc, at Lincoln House
Community Center from time to time, where you should have no such
difficulties. I hear that the caretaker/curator chappie is a bit of an
ogre but if you steer clear of him then you should be OK. :)



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