[Wolves] Tomcat and Fedora's Apache (Httpd)

dick_turpin dick_turpin at archlinux.us
Thu Aug 14 08:42:25 UTC 2008

Hi All

I'm fairly used to Apache but have never used Tomcat, now I've installed 
all the bits like you're supposed to such as Mysql, java, ect I've 
started the services, Tomcat, httpd, mysql ect what or where on earth is 
the Tomcat login?

If I do http://localhost I get the Apache welcome page the same can be 
said if I do http://192.xxx.xx.xx from another machine. I'm trying to 
get Hipergate http://www.hipergate.org installed/running on my networked 
Fedora box the install of hipergate isn't working but I suspect my 
Tomcat or Java is wrong or not configured properly.

I did some googleing and thats where I came across this Tomcat Login? so 
I'm thinking I need to ensure thats working and integrated properly 
before retrying the install.

Any thoughts?

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