[Wolves] Tomcat and Fedora's Apache (Httpd)

dick_turpin dick_turpin at archlinux.us
Fri Aug 15 04:02:38 UTC 2008

Alex Willmer wrote:
> Damn it, that'll teach me to post without review. 
> http://localhost:8080/manager
> is the administration console for humans, /admin is an API used
> internally.
Aha, cheers Alex a simple answer '/manager', interestingly if I stick a 
port number on it fails http://localhost will bring up the Apache home 
page so I think something might be wrong with my configuration I'll try 
http://localhost/manager when I get into work if that fails then I'll 
know something is wrong with either the install or the config.

You're a better man than me I've read through some of Tomcats stuff and 
googled either I need new glasses or I missed it but I couldn't find 
anything that said "open a browser and do.....".

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