[Wolves] Tomcat and Fedora's Apache (Httpd)

member dick_turpin dick_turpin at archlinux.us
Fri Aug 15 08:24:21 UTC 2008

2008/8/14 Alex Willmer <alex at moreati.org.uk>:

> Damn it, that'll teach me to post without review.
> http://localhost:8080/manager

Hi Alex

We are close. http://localhost:8080/manager gives me

HTTP Status 404 - /manager/

type Status report

message /manager/

description The requested resource (/manager/) is not available.
Apache Tomcat/6.0.16

Which is good as I had zilch before so it would appear tomcat is in
fact running. I followed these instructions
http://www.stefanolocati.it/blog/?p=123 but have no idea if that had
any effect as I also installed tomcat6-admin-webapps.noarch before
restarting tomcat6 from the 'services' gui


Dick Turpin

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