[Wolves] Thoughts on Virgin Media?

Martin Meredith martin at sourceguru.net
Tue Aug 19 12:03:07 UTC 2008

On Tue, 2008-08-19 at 11:07 +0100, Chris Maggs wrote:
> Hi, my name is Chris and I'm an ex-NTL employee!

Why does that sound like

"Hi, my name's Chris, and I'm an alcoholic"...

I wonder if there's any parallel.

Anyway, I'm currently using Sky Broadband - but that's cause it's what
is at the place I'm living at anyway. But - I've used both ADSL and
Telewest, and find them both a bit annoying.

I used Telewest while I was in Uni Housing, however, when I moved out, I
went back to my parents for a couple of months, and then went and found
my own place. At that point, I tried to get Telewest to Install
Broadband there, but, as the previous occupant hadn't paid there bill,
and a previous occupant of my parent's address (from 5 years ago at the
time) hadn't paid their bills - I wasn't accepted for them - (though I
would have been if I'd paid off the other peoples £600 worth of bills!
(wtf? I had nothing to do with them!))

At that point, I moved to ADSL... with a company called WebTapestry
(reccomended by neuro) - who were amazing, firstly, they were the only
company who managed to get me ANY kind of broadband (BT said that they
couldn't but, webtapestry managed it) and they did all sorts of things,
reverse DNS (to whatever I wanted) static IP... they'd even have set me
up a routed block if I'd wanted it (awesome) ... and while they may not
be the cheapest, they certainly know what they're doing (when sending in
a support email 1) they use RT, and 2) they responded back with pastes
from their consoles (when I had a DNS issue, they used dig at their end
to my nslookup's at my end).) This was from first line email support.

I'd highly reccomend them... but then... 20Mb vs... 5ish?

I don't know

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