[Wolves] Exim - catchall email for one domain
waynelists at machx.co.uk
Thu Jan 17 13:14:27 GMT 2008
Andy Smith wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 16, 2008 at 01:51:06PM +0000, Wayne wrote:
>> I have a exim 4 server running the mail for a handfull of domains and
>> would like to catch ALL mail for just one of them.
>> Any idea how to do this?
> Are you sure you even want to?
There below looks really usefull, I'll dig into that later.
The reason for wanting to do it is a very sneaky means of new business
acquisition (cue Peter Cannon pricking up his ears).
One of my competitors went bust in December and I noted yesterday that
their domain had already lapsed , so I grabbed it.
With luck I should get some juicy titbits from their email, but need to
grab ALL the mail till I work out what the chief email addies were.
> It tends to be an incredibly bad
> idea. The first time some spamming bot does a dictionary attack on
> your domain, you will get EVERY email it tries to send. Arguably
> worse still it will record that all those addresses were valid and
> deliverable and sell that information to other spammers, so you will
> get an ever-multiplying amount of spam.
> If you did want to do it then you could do something like this:
> vdom_aliases:
> driver = redirect
> domains = dsearch;/etc/mail/virtual
> data = ${expand:${lookup{$local_part}lsearch*@{/etc/mail/virtual/$domain}}}
> no_more
> Put that above router in your config at the point you want it to be
> applied (routers are evaluated in order) then you can create a file
> in /etc/mail/virtual per domain. So for example, if you had the
> domain example.com that you wanted to treat this way, you'd create
> /etc/mail/virtual/example.com with content like the following:
> foo: foo at anotherexample.com
> bar: bar at somewhereelse.com
> That would make foo at example.com and bar at example.com redirect to the
> given addresses. If you, against my advice, wanted a catch-all
> you'd add a line:
> *: some at poor-bugger.com
> You will also have to make sure in your ACLs that all domains in
> /etc/mail/virtual/ are considered local. If you already have some
> variable that has a list of them, then appending:
> : dsearch;/etc/mail/virtual
> to that would do it. For example on Debian I have:
> domainlist local_domains = MAIN_LOCAL_DOMAINS : dsearch;/etc/mail/virtual
> in /etc/exim4/conf.d/main/01_exim4-config_listmacrosdefs
> Cheers,
> Andy
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