[Wolves] Now I know what Vista hell is!!!!
ArchLinuxUser dick_turpin
dick_turpin at archlinux.us
Fri Jan 18 12:15:05 GMT 2008
On 18/01/2008, Chris Fox <chris at robotninja.net> wrote:
> I don't know how much of my email you actually read, but you seemed to miss this bit (which you quoted in your reply):
> " > (nb. none of this is directly aimed at anyone specific on-list.) "
No, you put that line as a sort of 'Get out of Jail free card" this is
born out by
> I disagree.
To disagree means you have acknowledged someone's point and that you
are refuting it with you own opinion, that in itself is fine however
its the form that the counter argument is presented in that is IMO
what is at issue here.
> "Venting" about other OSes - especially in the form of purile M$-bashing - is probably
> setting back the Free software movement by a good 5 years in terms of mainstream
> recognition and non-enthusiast adoption.
Seeing as Kevan was "Venting" his spleen clearly that wording is aimed
at him at least that's the way I read it, your reply then continues
with statements like "purile M$-bashing" "childish idiots" guaranteed
to put anyone's back up.
Mind you I did roll on the floor with laughter at "setting back the
Free software movement by a good 5 years in terms of mainstream
Businesses (which is what I presume you are referring too) are slow if
not resistant to taking up Linux because its not good enough yet,
that's the top and bottom of it oh you'll here stuff like Ubuntu sells
desktops to the Lithuanian government, Red Hat puts a Laptops in every
USA university but have you noticed how we don't here "Scunthorpe
council to run Mandriva"? True they have the odd Linux server here and
there but we're talking desktops.
The Linux desktop is here, its here now the reason we cant sell it,
certainly to every UK business is two fold;
1. We cant guarantee every single business tool they are used too
under Windows will run or has an equivalent under Linux.
2. The fear that none of their staff will be able to use it, I mean
for gods sake most of them cant use Windows let alone Linux.
Dick Turpin
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