[Wolves] Ron questions on webmin

Ron Wellsted ron at wellsted.org.uk
Thu Jun 19 15:50:51 BST 2008

On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 02:44:54PM +0100, Dave Morley wrote:
> As you requested I'm asking my questions here so hopefully the answers
> can help anyone else too.
> 1/ Can you just run through the dns section again please.
> I create a master zone and in this I am adding the names of all the
> machines etc and their ip address and visa versa is this correct?


> The master zone being davmor2-local.co.uk ,for me, is that correct also?

I would suggest using an invalid TLD of .local to prevent any chance
of collision with a "real" domain (davmor2-local.co.uk could be
registered!).  My suggestion would be to use davmor2.local as the
private domain name.

> Also do you need to setup another masterzone for the reverse dns?

While it is not essential, it is good practive to have a reverse zone
as this will speed up anything that tries to do a IP to name lookup.
This also can be used as an anti-spam measure by refusing email from
any IP that does not have a reverse lookup zone.

> 2/ You said about adding the mail server as mail.davmor2.co.uk is this
> to this dns or upstream? I started to get too confused at that point :)

This should be on the davmor2.co.uk (public) domain, not your private

> 3/ Lastly once the dns is setup I then need to change
> the /etc/reslov.conf files to read from my server first is this correct?

Once you are happy that the DNS server is setup right, change
/etc/resolve.conf to use  If you cannot then resolve
external names (eg "host www.google.co.uk" gives an error) check that
you have configured the DNS server to use a forwarder (or 2) eg use
the IP address of your router.  Alternatively, browse to your router
status page and find out the IPP addresses of your ISP's DNS servers
and use these as the forwarders.

Ron Wellsted
ron at wellsted.org.uk http://www.wellsted.org.uk
N 52.567623, W 2.136111 Linux Counter No. 202120
Ekiga: 645022
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