[Wolves] Kmail, imap and Gmail
ArchLinuxUser dick_turpin
dick_turpin at archlinux.us
Mon May 19 09:56:12 BST 2008
2008/5/19 Stuart Langridge <sil at kryogenix.org>:
> I successfully set up imap in KMail. That wasn't the problem. The
> problem was that I couldn't set up KMail to *send* mail through
> GMail's smtp server. Again, I'm quite sure that it's capable of it, I
> just couldn't get it to work. Feel free to (a) say that I'm stupid and
> therefore that (b) KMail is not a suitable client for stupid people
> and Evolution is, if you choose.
Na you're down enough as it is and its illegal to kick dumb animals :-P
I can send (I think) I sent a test mail supposedly from dick_turpin to
highwayman.turpin the only glitch I had was Kmail went into a tissy
fit trying to download the 2 Billion emails in my
dick_turpin at archlinux account which leads me to another thought that
imap might be pants.
If you have limited storage capacity on you're HDD imap'ing to your
Gmail account is just stupid especially as the storage from Google is
Dick Turpin
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